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Houki town
37-3 Yoshinaga, Houki town, Saihaku-gun, Tottori
Phone:0859-68-3111 Fax:0859-68-3866
Open: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-17:15
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Link Guidance
Conditions for Placing Links
When you establish a link, please contact via inquiry form and provide the name of your site, the URL of your site's home page, the URL of the page on which you intend to place the hyperlink, contact information for the site's administrator, and a brief description of the site.DAISEN GUIDE http://en.go-to-japan.jp/daisenguide/
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* Please contact via inquiry form and provide the name of your site, the URL of your site's home page, the URL of the page on which you intend to place the hyperlink, contact information for the site's administrator, and a brief description of the site, when using the DAISEN GUIDE website banners.
* The size of the banners should not be altered. The banner should be placed in a prominent position and should not be combined with any other images. Please let us know if the banner size you would like to use is different. We will provide you the banner.

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